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Submitted by: Sharyce Arciaga
Spiritual guidance helps us awaken to our sense of meaning and purpose in our lives and can definitely help us develop a deeper relationship with the divine. It is the process of learning to awaken to our divinity as well as to the spiritual aspects and techniques that will help us grow and prosper.
You may wonder what these spiritual aspects and techniques are. There are many. However, I would like to start by pointing out that so many of us do not consider the aspects of the cosmos that are so much a part of our being.
Have you ever considered that the moon is responsible for the ebb and flow of the waves in the ocean, and even a women’s menstrual cycle. So, if the moon has such a powerful effect on nature, would it not have a powerful effect on each one of us?. And, would not the planets affect our daily lives as well?
So often I hear people discrediting astrology. However, in ancient times astronomy was actually astrology. If you go back over 5,000 years there was an ancient civilization (the first civilization) known as the Sumerians who advocated astrology and who even knew of all of the planets in the galaxy.
Incidentally, the planet Pluto, was just discovered by our modern scientists in 1930. Just think, the Sumerians had this information over 5,000 years ago and we have only recently validated it! My point is that we are affected by the planets and their movements and because of this we should learn a little about the planets that affect us through the study of astrology.
This can be considered a spiritual technique that can and should be used so that you have an idea of where you are headed daily, monthly and annually. The Sumerians believed that man cannot change his destiny, but could, however, change his fate. And you can change your fate especially if you have an idea of how the planets are currently affecting your life.
So take some time out each month to see how your planets are affecting you by learning what position they are in and which houses are being affected by which planets. As an example, Jupiter is the planet of expansion,luck and abundance. Take time to notice which of your houses Jupiter is in so that you can see where expansion, abundance and luck is being held for you.
We tend to focus on and to be preoccupied with the things that are happening on the earth. Since this is where we reside, of course, it is only natural that earth would be our main focus. But we must learn to look skyward and pay attention to the cosmos for answers as well.
Make it a practice to stop watching television, or to get off the couch or the computer long enough to go outside and look at the stars and the moon. And, if you can catch a sunrise you will more than likely start your day with a great deal of positive energy and you will be in tune to more possibilities for your life.
Now that we are approaching summer, it is a good idea to go out into nature. Go to a park and read a book on your lunch hour instead of being cooped up in an air-conditioned environment. Listen to the birds chirp and feel the breeze blow through your hair and across your face. Let the sun shine on you awhile. Sit on the grass and take notice of the grass because there is a benefit that you will receive from the earth by just sitting in the grass.
You are part of the earth and we have lost the art of being close to it with the advent of modern civilization. If you do this you will receive a certain type of energy and/or blessing from the grassroots of the earth. Never mind the ants or the bugs. Just take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to become in tune with nature and you will feel better about living and about life; especially if you do this routinely. You will be rejuvenated and revitalized!
Talk to a tree as there is knowledge and strength in a tree. Trees are old and ancient and have a lot of information. Sit against one if you can and you will draw strength from the tree. Have you ever noticed how some trees have such huge strong roots? You can tap into that power, strength, and knowledge by sitting against it and speaking to it.
When you hear a bird singing he is sending a message to you from above. Listen to its song. It just might contain a message that you have been waiting to receive. And, if you have a chance to communicate with a dolphin, by all means do so. They are one of the oldest and most intelligent creatures on earth. They are very intelligent and can be of great value to you in your life as well.
And last but not least, surround yourself with beautiful plants of your choice. Whatever feels good to you in the line of plants will be sufficient. Plants cleanse the air and remove toxins in your home. That is the first benefit. But there is a second benefit. when the air is clean and you are breathing deeply, your Angels are able to speak to you and are able to convey important information and messages to you that will be beneficial in your life. So, after a good work-out go to your plant filled area and breathe deeply and meditate.
These are some of the things that will accelerate your spiritual growth, give you guidance, and help you on your way towards prosperity. Yes, they seem to be simple things, but sometimes ‘simple’ can be very powerful.
Incorporating these processes will awaken you spiritually and help you harness your spiritual growth and allow you to receive spiritual blessings so that you will be able to use your intuition to guide you along your life path.
By meditating in nature and with plants, animals and the elements in these ways, you will begin to receive messages from your higher-self that will tell you how to proceed in any pursuit you may be undertaking. You will find that you will be able to find the solutions to problems that may have been eluding you.
Although these concepts may be somewhat unorthodox, they are my suggestions for harnessing spiritual guidance for growth And prosperity.
About the Author: Shayce Arciaga is the Author of this article and she has over 15 years experience as a spiritual counselor. She provides a guide on spiritual guidance and enlightenment and an online community to share ideas on spirituality and self-help topics. Join her community at
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