Southern Ocean whale slaughter to resume

Tuesday, January 3, 2006 The international environmental organisation, Greenpeace, have been shadowing a Japanese whaling fleet currently operating in the Southern Ocean in Australian Antarctic Territory. They claim a minor victory against the six-vessel fleet, saying no whales have been killed since Christmas Eve. However they expect a resumption of whaling and protest activity...

An Understanding Guide To Dercums Disease:

More Detail Here: W Radiology What is dercums disease: Dercum’s disease is a rare illness that triggers painful fatty tissue growths or lipomas. Adiposis dolorosa is another name for it. The torso, upper arms, or upper legs are usually affected. Dercum’s disease is not fully known, as shown by the large variety of symptoms....

Leveraging Six Sigma In It

More Detail Here: Energy Efficiency Australia Leveraging Six Sigma in IT by Rajesh Naik INTRODUCTION CHANGING BUSINESS PARADIGM The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicted that the worldwide outsourcing market would grow from $100 billion in 1998 to $151 billion in 2003, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.2 percent. The 1990s...

Ten April Fool’s pranks of 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009 April Fools’ Day pranks harmlessly pervaded worldwide again this year. Media outlets and internet sites have joined family, office workers, and friends to provide a wide variety of practical jokes. Ireland, France, and the United States celebrate April Fools all day, whereas a few countries celebrate jokes only until noon...

UK drivers urged not to panic buy during delivery strikes

Friday, June 13, 2008 British drivers have been urged not to panic buy fuel because of the 4-day walkout by delivery drivers working for companies delivering to Shell petrol stations. The 600 workers have walked out over pay disagreements, wanting an increase to their current pay of £36,500, however their union Unite turned down...

Iran’s morality police crack down on un-Islamic dress

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 The Iranian police forces have faced criticism from Ayatollah Hashemi Shahrudi, the head of the judiciary who was appointed by Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, for their re-invigorated campaign to do away with un-Islamic dress. Ayatollah Shahroudi proclaimed, “Tough measures on social problems will backfire and have counter-productive effects.” Others have,...

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