NASA sets launch date for Space Shuttle Discovery

Saturday, March 7, 2009 After almost two months of delay, NASA has set March 11 as the launch date for Space Shuttle Discovery. On February 22, NASA had stated that they indefinitely delayed the launch of Space Shuttle Discovery, which was originally scheduled for takeoff on February 12. Launch was then further delayed until...

Dubai World to receive $9.5 billion in government aid

Thursday, March 25, 2010 The government of Dubai announced that it intends to provide $9.5 billion to Dubai World to allow the government-owned investment company to restructure its debt. The announcement comes as part of Dubai World’s plan to restructure more than $23 billion of debt, including converting nearly $9 billion of debt into...

Dog Sweaters Warm And Cozy}

More Detail Here: Buy Cashmere Jumpers Online Buy Cashmere Jumpers Submitted by: Christina Moreno Just as winters can be harsh for us, in the same manner winters can be severe and chilly for pets as well. Even if they are at home or in their kennel, and to make them feel warm dog sweaters...

On the campaign trail in the USA, September 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020 The following is the fifth edition of a monthly series chronicling the 2020 United States presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories. This month’s spotlight on the campaign trail: the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee secures ballot access in...

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