Why Meditate Three Reasons}

More Detail Here: Lifestyle Homes For Sale Submitted by: Steve Gillman Why meditate? You may already understand that it is very relaxing. In fact, try the simple meditation in this article and you’ll feel more relaxed in just a few minutes. But there are other good reasons to meditate as well. Here are three...

Rail network in Kashmir comes under attack

Saturday, April 3, 2010 Nearly two feet of the rail route in Kashmir, India was blown up by militants near the Pulwama district, affecting train services from north to south Kashmir. The blast came a few days after militants fought with the Indian army in the area, thereby killing fourteen people. “There were no...

Iran’s morality police crack down on un-Islamic dress

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 The Iranian police forces have faced criticism from Ayatollah Hashemi Shahrudi, the head of the judiciary who was appointed by Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, for their re-invigorated campaign to do away with un-Islamic dress. Ayatollah Shahroudi proclaimed, “Tough measures on social problems will backfire and have counter-productive effects.” Others have,...

First winter snowfall in New Zealand

Saturday, June 4, 2005 Overnight Friday a Southerly storm brought snow to both the Southern Alps and the central North Island mountains of New Zealand for the first time this year, closing major roads and stranding travellers at the start of the Queens Birthday holiday weekend. Police and the AA urged motorists to drive...

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